December 10, 2017

For those who know me in real life, you'll probably be familiar with the funnier anecdotes of the relationship between my brother and I. For those know don't know, he and I are basically the same person. We've been close for as long as I can remember, and there's rarely a day goes by where we don't speak to or message each other, even at all hours of the night. He's also quite actively involved with my blog; taking some of my outfit pictures, coming up with creative ideas and showing a keen interest in what I do. So I thought it would be a great idea for us both to take part in a variation of the sibling tag. Most of the questions are taken from this post, however I've omitted some of the slightly more embarrassing / less interesting ones, just so you aren't all bored to tears. All of my answers will begin with an "R" and all of his with an "M" (for Rachel and Michael, obviously)!

Who is the oldest / youngest?
R: I'm the eldest, and Michael is the youngest. But there's only four years between us, so it's not a huge age gap.

What do you like and hate about each other?
R: I love how he's always asking questions, and actively seeking to learn as much as he can. He also has this really cutthroat sense of humour that a lot of people would probably misconstrue as quite mean but it comes from a good place. I hate that he's getting older! He's too tall and old for me to annoy or fight with, and he doesn't like any affection whatsoever now.
M: I hate how you take up so much space on my sofa, and I love how you're so nice and make me happy and get my sarcastic humour.

What do you and your siblings have in common?
R: We have the same sort of taste in everything, from movies and awful TV shows, to memes and the same weird sense of humour. We rarely ever fight over what to watch or do. We're both interested in the same sorts of issues too.
M: We like the same memes, dogs and hate the same people.

What's your funniest memory?
R: There's no real specific memory for me, but he's always taking the piss out of certain members of our family, so Sunday dinners, Christmas and birthdays are always fun because there are more opportunities for him to get smart with everyone.
M: The chicken goujon incident (context: I was very hormonal when my family got a takeaway one night. My boyfriend ordered chicken goujons and I heavily hinted without specifically saying that I wanted some. He ignored me, finished the lot and I sobbed) or the Debbie Reynolds / Harry incident when I mixed the two of them up.

Most memorable argument?
R: I can't remember any specifically large fights, but when we were younger we couldn't stand each other! When I was going through my moody adolescent stage, I didn't want anything to do with him because we had literally nothing in common, and I looked at him as a silly little boy. I put his through hell as a kid, I would just yell at him over everything and anything.
M: Do we even have one? We pretty much never fight.

What do you and your sibling do for fun?
R: I like watching him play video games because I'm terrible at them. During the summer we watch a lot of really dreadful horror movies together, and he leeches off of my Netflix account!
M: We play games, we watch cheap tv and watch wrestling.

What's something that annoys you about them?
R: Even when he's wrong, he can never admit that he's wrong, and he always tries to start political arguments with the rest of the family, even when he knows better! He lives for the drama.
M: Your bath bomb mess that you never clean up after you're finished, and YOU HOGGING THE SPACE ON THE SOFA ALL THE TIME.

What does your brother / sister think about the most?
R: Dogs. Dogs and memes.
M: Same.

What is something you like to do together?
R: I love it when we both have time off in the summer, so we can go out for walks around the park and dog-spot, or go into town - even if I always have to buy lunch!
M: Haven't we already answered this? My answers are the same.

Who is the most talented?
R: I don't want to sound self-centred, but I would say I am because I have more hobbies and interests that I like to pursue. He is talented in certain ways, like he's very intelligent and more aware than others his age, but he doesn't really take an interest in other things.
M: I'm clearly the most talented, as I can cook and you can't.

What is your brother / sister really bad at?
R: Taking care of himself! If he could live in his pyjamas and never have to take a shower again without being prompted to, he would be so happy. He's also really bad at holding his tongue, if he wants to say something he'll just say it without thinking of the consequences.

Nicknames you have for each other?
R: I call him a whole variety of things- bean, floral incandescent porpoise, pudding, wee son, Miggle and Mickel.
M: My nicknames for her are almost identical to what she calls me - Riggle, egg, bean, big pickle.

Last thing you talked about?
R: He sent me a text this morning talking about all of the old ladies he's seen trip and fall in the snow, and we laughed at my mum going out to the shops in her dressing gown and slippers. And the Great Dane frolicking in the snow.

Are you close?
R: Very close, even if he is getting older and drifting away.
M: We close af.

One thing you can do that your sibling can't?
R: He has a lot more confidence in himself, in certain respects, whereas I don't really feel overly confident about a lot of things. He can also cook a lot better than I can, even if he doesn't eat what he cooks.
M: She can do English and I can't.

Describe the last thing you did with each other.
R: We were on the phone together a couple of night's ago because I was up in my university house and he was back home. He's really sick right now and he wanted sympathy.

Complete this statement, "My sibling is..."
R: The best sibling.
M: I don't know what to say for this. (Thanks Michael)

Do you have any brothers and sisters? Are you close?

I hope you've enjoyed reading!

Until tomorrow, 

Rachel x

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  1. THIS IS THE CUTEST THING! I'd love to do something like this with my brothers and sister. Also little side note, your eyeliner is so on point x


    1. It's been sitting in my drafts for ages, so I thought I may as well make use of it! x
