January 18, 2016

Hey everyone, long time no post! I hope you all are having a great 2016 so far and I'm sorry I haven't been able to post much. I wanted to kick off this year with a winter looks post but the weather has been crap and I couldn't really think of anything else to do. So, what a better way to start this years blogging with a review of a much loved Lush favourite! I will be posting another fashion post very soon, with maybe a haircare or skincare post and a January favourites. If you have any other things you would like to see, as ever let me know!

Also I'm going to put this out here as I have been getting a ridiculous amount of traffic from this source- I DO NOT HAVE A VK ACCOUNT. I don't even know what it is other than a Russian social networking site and as I've mentioned before someone is very clearly using my pictures or reposting them there without my permission. My only social networks are my Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Snapchat and personal Facebook. Nothing else. If you need any further proof that I am not some random Russian chick please check my q+a video in my previous post.

Anyway, rant over on with the review! Also I apologise for the quality of these pictures, it has been exceedingly dull in Northern Ireland as of late.


I really love this shade of green, and the little flecks of pink throughout it remind me of one of those sugary lollipops I loved when I was younger! I think the bath bomb is somewhat plain and the design isn't really too exciting. What I will say is this bath bomb is huge, way bigger than most other ones I've seen which is cool because it implies there's a lot going on inside!



My first encounter with "Lord of Misrule" occurred around October time (it's one of their seasonal Halloween / Christmas products) when I bought a small bottle of the shower gel and a bath bomb, and I have to be honest, I hated the scent. The peppercorn, spicy scent was way too overpowering and I had to actually couple it with a spare coconut shower gel to dull it down slightly. Eventually I got used to it and managed to smell the hints of vanilla in the product, but initially it was far too strong for me.



I think because the bath bomb was so large, it took a really long time to finally release any of the wine colour within. The green and the pink look so good together in the water, and similar to "Frozen" it all flows from a middle strip within the bath bomb. It also made a very loud popping sound in the water which I haven't experienced before, which compensated for the lack of any glitter or hidden goodies inside. 
The time it took for the product to finish fizzing was extensive, and I eventually crushed the remnants of the bath bomb so I could get into the bath. However, as mentioned before, I will put this down to how big the bath bomb was.



I absolutely love the final colour of the bath water. The deep pink / wine colour is truly stunning. There was not various floaters in the water, but lots of oils and my skin still feels super soft the morning after!


PROS: I love the colour of the bomb and water, and I like that I still feel clean and soft the next morning.

CONS: The smell was overwhelming, however I know a lot of people enjoy that aspect of "Lord of Misrule". Initially, it was too strong for me but I've gotten used to it. Some may find the bath bomb a little lacklustre in the water and time consuming.

OVERALL: "Lord of Misrule" wasn't one of my favourites when I first tried it. The main thing that put me off was the strong, spicy smell. However, after a few more uses it doesn't bother me so much and I can focus on it's more positive aspects. It is aesthetically pleasing to look at both, as a solid and in the water.
Bonus points for the fact I'm feeling fresh and clean almost 12 hours later.

There you have it, my first post of 2016! Thank you all for your love and support (and almost 4k blog views!!) last year and I hope you will continue to read and enjoy my blog. Remember if you have any suggestions for things you would like to see here on my blog please let me know!

Thank you for reading, Rachel x

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