April 04, 2016

Hey everyone! I get a lot of DMs from people, eager to start their own blog but not quite sure how to get their feet off of the ground. They aren't sure what to post, where to post it on, how people will react to it etc. So I thought that rather than regurgitate the same advice time and time again, it would be handy and better for all considered, to post all of my tips and thoughts into one handy post!

Blogging can be a great platform for lots of people for many different reasons; writers who want to showcase their work, people who are interested in fashion and want to share their looks with the world, or for those who feel like they would love to make their voice heard, but are too anxious or shy for Youtube (a point which I will pick up on later). Some people have their ideas and know what they want to post and say, others know they have the drive to create a blog but don't know what to say! If any of this applies to you then keep reading, here are my helpful tips for starting your own blog.

As mentioned above, some of you will have a clear idea of the type of blogger you want to be; fashion, lifestyle, art blog etc. Others, much like myself, will have so many ideas and will be constantly changing and chopping, and that's totally fine too! 
The first thing you should do, regardless of whether you want to fit into one genre or not, is make a list of the posts you want to make and show on your blog. I made a list almost a year ago and still haven't worked my way through them! You will also find that your ideas will expand and more will come to you, so make a specific note, so as you don't forget.

Personally, I choose Blogspot because I have a little bit of experience with it and I find it the easiest to work with and edit (even though my HTML and coding skills are zero to none). But it doesn't end there! I have also previously used Wordpress (which allows for a lot of stylistic aesthetic choices) and still use Tumblr regularly, but I just didn't feel like it would be appropriate for this kind of blog!
You could even use YouTube. I know that for many of you, anxiety and nervousness can get in the way of becoming a vlogger, and if that is the case then considering a writing based blog first of all could be a good idea. You may find that once you become confident with writing, you want to switch to vlogging - I personally like doing both!
Ultimately the choice is yours, but I would say that you should try a variety of websites before you settle on one, particularly if you're planning on becoming a blogger of a particular genre.

The best advice I could give to anyone who wants to start a blog is that you should make it for yourself. It doesn't matter how many people read your blog, even though I know it can be frustrating to feel as though no one is reading or interested. The most important thing is that YOU remain interested and that you are proud of the fact that your voice is out there. You really shouldn't even consider what other people are going to think of what you post, don't let their opinions get in the way!
Also, make sure you are yourself. Don't copy someone else's ideas because you think that's what people want to see. Of course it's okay to be influenced by someone's opinions but remember you are your own person and what you have to say matters too!

It is easy to let real life take over and distract you, and that's fine! It's healthy even, do don't be afraid of letting real life take over. At the same time, don't let blogging take over your life. It isn't something that should be taken too seriously, it should be a fun platform for you to share whatever you want to! I think sometimes people can forget that the Internet isn't reality, even if you're blogging about your reality.
And don't think that you can suddenly become the next *insert famous Internet person here*. That very rarely happens and if you want to be a blogger for that reason, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

Although it's only a hobby on the side, I really enjoy blogging. I love sharing my thoughts and opinions, photos and feelings, even if other people don't enjoy what I have to say! You need to make sure you're interested in what you post and you're doing it because you like it, not because you feel like you have to. If you're bored it shows, and if anything it'll make you unhappy; no one wants that!

I hope this has helped some of you make up your minds about blogging. Maybe some of you will be encouraged by this post, and maybe some of you will be totally repelled from all ideas of blogging forever! But either way, thank you for reading these tips and if any of you even need more advice or help, be sure to let me know!

Rachel x

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