

September 03, 2017

Despite blogging for over two years now, I've only been involved with the wider blogging community for a couple of months, and in that period of time I have tried to completely immerse myself into the world of blogging. I've read close to every post possible that includes tips for improving photography, growing your audience, understanding DA, SEO and all of that other technical jargon. One point that keeps cropping up again and again, involves finding your "niche" and capitalising on it. 

In theory, having a niche draws a larger audience towards your blog, as people who are interested in your speciality will want to continue reading your posts and return to your blog again and again. Does it work? Well, there are lots of successful beauty bloggers out there who are at the top of the Urban Decay PR list, and fashion bloggers who never fail to look effortless and engage in witty banter with Boohoo and ASOS accounts on Twitter. The answer is self-explanatory. But is it right for me? No. Not yet, anyway. Here are some thoughts on why having a blogging niche just isn't for me.

When I started this blog, I had every intention of becoming one of those fashion bloggers who spends every spare moment online shopping and outfit planning weeks in advance. I wanted to collaborate with big brands, amazing photographers and generally just look camera-ready 24/7. Obviously, judging by the pictures in this post (taken in my front garden by my younger brother) the reality of today is quite different. I'm a repeat outfit offender, who's a little too short and not just conventionally attractive enough to model clothes. But, I don't mind, because I'm a girl with a lot of interests.

Fashion, beauty, literature, baths, social and political issues, travel, university, myself. These are just a variety of the topics I'm interested in and that I like to write about. I suppose they could all fall under the umbrella category of "lifestyle" but for some reason I can't bring myself to label my blog as one certain genre. That's just not me. 

That's not to say that everything I write about is successful. My fashion, beauty and review posts rarely ever appeal to people in the way that my chatty, philosophical lifestyle posts seem to. Perhaps that's because, certainly from my PoV as a reader, I prefer finding out more about the blogger behind the screen. I'm definitely not saying that certain niche bloggers aren't great at doing that too, but personally I sometimes find it difficult to relate to someone who is reluctant to have a bit of variety in their content. Does that mean I don't find their blogs enjoyable? Not at all, in fact some of my favourite bloggers stick to one niche, and they're bloody good at it. But I'm often left wanting to know more about that blogger, and they don't always give me everything I'm necessarily looking for.

Of course, personality and openness always comes into play in this situation. I've always been the type of person who, in real life, might find it difficult to open up to people at first due to anxiety etc. However, give me a couple of hours and a few glasses of wine and I will pour my heart out to anyone who will listen to me. That's why I've always felt more confident and comfortable online. I'm willing to share and speak about every aspect of my life because I know that someone is always listening, regardless of how I feel internally. The level of intrigue, support and kindness I've experienced online has been paramount to how I've grown as a person in real life, and I've always wanted to reciprocate those emotions and more to the people I speak to online. 

That's not to say I want every blogger under the sun to start blogging about topics they aren't necessarily comfortable with (we've only just recovered from that post about a similar issue)! I would much rather read a well-written fashion post over some hokey-pokey political post that's three paragraphs long and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Right now, I'm very comfortable with combining all of my interests into one blog, regardless of how well they may or may not do. It would feel wrong to sacrifice my love of hauls and reviews, for more serious posts 24/7 simply because I believe that's what my "audience" want to see. I love fun, nonsensical tag posts just as much as I love personal posts and posts full of marble flatlays and open lipsticks. Perhaps, in the future I'll manage to narrow my interests down into one niche, but right now I'm happy containing all of my interests into one blog. For many of us, blogging is an escape, and I happen to have a lot of interests to retreat into.


What do you think? Are you more of a niche blogger or do you write about everything and anything?

I hope you enjoyed reading, until next time!


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  1. I've never been a niche bloggers but referred to myself as lifestyle for ease! I like the freedom of posting anything and not feeling like I have to fit into any sort of trend for an audience that expect a certain thing if that makes sense! Being my own niche is what works best for me and I like the uniqueness that comes with it!
    Sarah x

    1. That makes perfect sense to me! For me, it's a case of, I'm someone who has a lot of ideas when they become inspired and I don't want to limit my creativity by sticking to one certain genre x

  2. I definitely don't have a niche! I blog about everything and anything that interests me, and I feel like it keeps my content fresh and exciting! I agree that sometimes, some genres of post don't do as well as others - and some do surprisingly well! I *very* occasionally produce beauty themed content and I seem to get tons of views on those posts, although I really don't think they're my best content! Who knows, eh?! I think you look gorgeous in this outfit and you definitely could be an amazing fashion blogger if you did want to make that your exclusive niche but I personally love the fact that every post from you is so different! You go girl!

    Abbey 💋 www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

    1. It definitely keeps your content exciting Abbey, I love your posts! My beauty posts never seem to do that well, maybe it's my lack or marble flatlay background but who knows, hehe. Thank you so so much x

  3. It's good to know it's not just me! My blog is pretty similar in that i dont really have a niche. Like you I'd probably say lifestyle if I had to but really I just write what I want!
    Mo x

    1. I always thought I was alone in not having a niche too, but I'm glad to know others can relate too! x

  4. I am so with you on this! I used to stress out so much about trying to fit into a specific sector - I used to want to solely be a beauty blogger but I loved taking outfit photos... However I don't think I'm good enough to class myself as a fashion blogger, either! I find it quite restraining to fit into just one niche. The whole point of being a blogger is to write what you feel.

    Thanks so much for sharing this post! It's nice to read one that doesn't say why you have to fit into a specific niche to be a good blogger.

    Lizzie Bee // Hello Lizzie Bee

    1. I completely agree, as long as you enjoy the content you're creating, I think that definitely translates to your audience. There's no criteria for being a good blogger, and I definitely don't believe that having a niche makes you better than those that don't! x

  5. I totally agree with this, whilst my blog does fit into two niches really I like to think I blog about a variety of things! I definetely don't blog about the same things I did to start with x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿www.kayleighzaraa.com

    1. When I think back to how my blog started out, I get serious cringe. But I do love seeing how far I've developed, who knows what would have happened if I stuck with one genre x

  6. I tend to find writing about the same thing all the time (e.g. constant beauty reviews) really boring and I don't like being tied down to a niche. It's better to have the freedom to create any content you please. This post was such a refreshing read - thank you! Chloe x


    1. I agree, I do my best to shuffle my schedule around as much as possible so I'm not constantly repeating my posts. That's what I enjoy the most, \i don't feel restricted with my content x

  7. Snap!! When I first started out I thought I'd be writing beauty posts exclusively but I soon found that it wasn't for me. Now I've broadened my horizons I blog a lot more xx

    Jay | jayxoblogs.com

    1. It's so funny when you look back and think about how you imagined yourself when you started blogging, the reality is always so different! x

  8. I've been trying to find more of a niche, but I think making content you enjoy is the most rewarding thing to do anyway so I don't think about it too much haha. I also know exactly what you mean wanting to find out a bit more about bloggers who only really blog about one thing. Knowing a bit more about someone definitely helps with connecting with them!

    Belle in Black and White

    1. As long as you enjoy what you're doing, that's the most important part! x

  9. This is such an interesting post! It's funny because I'd say I'm a fashion/beauty blogger - but more often than not I just post an outfit with completely unrelated writing that'll be about whatever is on my mind or anything I feel strongly about. This was never my initial intention but the more I got into blogging the more I realised I just like to write about a lot more than simply fashion and beauty. Really enjoyed reading this! x


    1. That's such an original way to structure a post, and I love reading yours! It enables you to have a really good balance of both the fashion and the personal x

  10. Very well said! Couldn't have put it better myself :) I often don't feel it's always necessary to have a niche! You shouldn't be put of writing and posting something because it doesn't fit your niche


    1. Thank you Ellie! That's how I feel about it, I would rather be able to freely express myself than worry about alienating an audience who have certain expectations when it comes to my blog. No niche = no expectations! x

  11. I feel like I accidentally fell into a niche! I started talking about fashion because that was one of my interests and I guess I never stopped haha! Blogging should be about talking about topics that interest you and if that is a bunch of different things then go you! I love how you talk about a bunch of different topics
    Robyn // http://www.midnightandlace.co.uk/

    1. Thanks Robyn! Your blog is a perfect example of someone who manages to balance niche with the personal, your outfit posts are always great and I find them really easy to relate to as well x

  12. Loved this so much, it was so well written. I'd like to think I don't have a niche but I sometimes get stuck on writing about the same thing and forget how nice it is to have versatile content on my blog! x

    1. Thank you Mollie, it means a lot! I feel the same, sometimes I'll have loads of beauty ideas come to mind and I get really excited to post them, so I have to segregate my content a little to keep everything fresh x

  13. We don't have a niche. We are lifestyle bloggers and write about everything and anything we want! Really. We had thought of a niche but we're afraid it would be really restricting content wise. xx corinne

  14. I completely agree with you here!
    I think it's great for those who have a niche and are good at it, but it's not for me. I've thought of turning my blog into a disability blog a couple of times, but I have so much more I want to talk about that I wouldn't want to be restricted by a label of my niche. I think it's becoming more and more common for people not to fit into a niche nowadays, which is great, and hopefully won't be a turn off for brands for bloggers who hope to make a living out of it!

    1. Hopefully not, I think that if you've set out with the intention of working with brands and building an empire, then a niche can come in handy, however that was never my intention when I started blogging. If brands want to work with me, that's great, but I wouldn't feel disheartened if my lack of niche put them off me either. then they're clearly not brands I want to work with! x

  15. This was such an interesting read Rachel! I sometimes feel so restricted with my beauty niche.. I think it's amazing that you have the confidence to not label your blog! And I love the variety of your content!
    PaleGirlRambling xo

    1. Thank you Rachael. I definitely think you're more than just a beauty blogger, you have a lot of other great content too, and I enjoy every post you produce! x

  16. The funny thing is I wasn't in a niche but now I am ahah, I think everyone needs to do their ow thing and write about what the love! x

    1. I agree, it's all about whatever works for you! x

  17. This was such an interesting post to read, I feel on you on being more confident to open up when writing, as I'm always anxious in social situations. I have only just started blogging again and I really want to blog about all kinds of things, at first I was more focused on beauty and travel, but now I want to add more content that will showcase my media and writing skills as that is the career I want to go down in the future so I want my blog to also be a media portfolio... so more journalistic writing (my latest is a TV show review), more rants and rambles, definitely travel, some beauty, fashion, I want to blog about everything and anything, so I could never stick to one genre and collect a niche audience! Xx
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

    1. I love journalistic writing! I love that you're so open to writing about anything that springs to mind, that variety sounds absolutely wonderful becky x

  18. Great post and completely agree. I used to read as many posts and sites to help improve seo, DA etc forgetting the reason I started blogging because I enjoy writing about beauty and in a way writing about whatever I want is my niche! xx

    1. Some of the advice about DA and SEO goes right over my head, and it's important not to focus on that and instead keep focused on what you love writing about x

  19. I love your outfit so much. I am totally with you on the niche stuff, I classify myself as a lifestyle blogger because I have such a large range of interests like you do. So I'm glad I'm not the only one <3

    1. Thanks Becca! It feels good knowing that I'm not alone in how I feel x

  20. I like to think that YOU are the niche- the blogger whose blogging is their own niche. I think theres such a pressure on bloggers to have a label and really i think nothing good comes from it. you do you :)


    1. That's such a great way to think of it Eloise, and I completely agree x

  21. I'm so glad that you wrote this post! I think that it's so important for bloggers to write about what they're passionate about, and if this is more than one thing then so be it. We shouldn't feel like we have to narrow ourselves down to just one 'niche'!

    Jennifer xx

    1. Aaah thank you so much Jennifer, our passions shouldn't be limited to simply one area of interest. If you're able to do that, then more power to you x

  22. I completely agree with you, but everyone is very different, some bloggers I know prefer to stick to one thing and that's it, for me I prefer to be versatile, especially only blogging for 1 year now I need to give myself time to see what I enjoy the most! Great Post

    1. Thanks Gemma and I totally understand. Some bloggers really excel in their specific niche and that's amazing, but it's simply not for me x

  23. I loved this post, similar to you I feel at ease when I express myself through blogging, someone is always listening and supporting, there's no judgements and I can welcome the public into my little space. There can sometimes be a pressure for bloggers to label themselves, so this is definitely a great reminder and quite refreshing, great content dear.

    Tx. // MusicGeekOnline

    1. Thank you so much Tajinder! That's the power of blogging, no matter what, someone is always going to reach out and support you x

  24. Totally get this. Your blog has to be right for you - it's not all about the readers (and if anything a bit of variety would draw me to a blog rather than daily same of the same-ness!!) and you shouldn't sell yourself short to fit in to a box they call a genre. Good on you for mixing it up and not conforming, it keeps things interesting!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I feel like a lot of bloggers have lost sight of that, blogging should always be for you, first and foremost x

  25. I LOVED reading this post, I feel exactly the same, and definitely don't want to restrict myself to just one topic. Amazing post! X

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. For the longest time I felt like I had to narrow the focus of my blog, but it never actually happened but subconsciously I didn't want that to happen! I'm interested in so many things, and my blog should reflect who I am. You do you girl <3

    1. Thanks Audrey! You should never feel like you have to narrow your content just for a niche, I would much rather have a little bit of everything in my blog x

  28. You are totally gorgeous enough to model clothes... but I think it's great that you aren't trying to fit into a niche and are doing your own thing.


    1. Rosa thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to say! x

  29. I am with you on this! Not having a niche gives me the freedom to write about what I like without me feeling that I'm 'losing focus'. Why would you want to write about one topic anyway, personally I find it boring when there's no variety.

    I really enjoyed reading this!

