July 13, 2017

A huge big thank you to Meg for nominating me for my first ever Liebster Award! The idea behind this is that Meg has given me a few questions to answer so that you can all learn a little bit more about me and discover the person behind the screen. Now, I like to be detailed and talk a lot so these might be a little long, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy! First of all I have to go over some rules.


1. Answer the questions that your nominator has asked you.
2. Nominate other bloggers
3. Ask your nominees questions.

4. Let them know that you have nominated them!

Onto the questions!

1) What inspired you to start blogging?

I've always wanted to blog and create my own space, and over the years I had contributed posts to various other blogs and helped co-edit a few, and it was only two years ago that I actually bit the bullet and decided to do it! I love to write and I wanted a personal medium that would allow me to express myself through a range of different posts and topics.

2) Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Hopefully working full time, either advancing my position in the job I'm currently in, or taking a step closer towards the actual career path I want to take. I would love to have my own house too, with lots and lots of dogs.

3) What are your goals this year?

My biggest goal is to achieve a first in every exam and assignment, and then hopefully graduate with a first-class honours in my degree! I would also like to get more involved with companies and PR through my blog. But above all else, I just want to put my own interests first and remain happy, positive and healthy.

4) What do you love to do in your spare time?

I love to read (an English student who likes to read, shocking I know!) and I also like travelling around places with my bf. I'm a big TV and film person too.

5) What is your dream job and why?

English is my passion and ideally I'd love to teach and share that passion with the younger generation. If that doesn't go the plan then I'd love to go into editing and publishing.

6) What are three things you cannot live without?

I feel naked without winged eyeliner, a cup of tea in the morning and my laptop! I have too much stored on here to lose it all.

7) Summarise yourself in one sentence.

Bubbly, optimistic and empathetic.

8) What do you love to blog about?

Anything really, I don't quite think I've found my niche yet! I love to write reviews because everyone has different opinions on certain products, items or brands and I like to give as honest an opinion on them as possible. I don't want to be another one of these bloggers who is constantly praising crappy companies and raving about bad products because they've been paid to do so. I also love writing personal posts and updates about my life, I enjoy giving you all a glimpse into what my life is actually like and who I am as a person. Not everyone can put on a mask and pretend to be happy all of the time, and I don't want to be that person.

9) What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

I want to improve my photography skills, give it a complete overhaul and attract as many readers as possible. I think everyone's long-term goal is to take blogging from a hobby to a full-time job, but I'm a bit more realistic about that. As long as people, even one person, continue to read what I put out there, then I'm happy.

10) Are there any bloggers you look up to?

I've only been involved with the "blogosphere" for a relatively short time now, so I haven't had a chance to get to know many different bloggers. But I do admire how successful Maria, Rhianna and Lauren are!

I'm going to tag;











And here are my questions for you lovely ladies!

1) What is your favourite novel?
2) Who or what inspires you to create content?
3) If you could be a character in any movie, who would it be and why?
4) What are your five long-term life goals?
5) Favourite makeup brand?
6) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
7) What is your favourite TV series?
8) Do you have any unusual hobbies?
9) Which blog post are you the most proud of?
10) What is your blogging goal?

If you want any other information of the Liebster Award then please check out this post with every possible bit of info you could want! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you feel like you know me a little bit better now.

Until the next time, 

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  1. I loved getting to know you more though this post, i hope you reach those goals & the tea thing is totally me but with coffee hehe! I've already done this award a few months ago so I'm not gonna do it again but thanks so much for the tag sweetie appreciate it😙
    Love Soph x

    1. That's okay hun! and thank you so much x
